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Implementing a File Archive with the DAL and a Smart Rollup

The Data-Availability Layer (DAL) is an exciting feature expected to reach Tezos’ Mainnet in 2024, and it is arguably the missing piece to complete the Tezos’ Layer 2 landscape. In essence, the DAL is a companion peer-to-peer network for the Tezos blockchain, designed to provide additional bandwidth to Smart Rollups. True to Tezos ethos, the DAL is decentralized (anyone can join and participate to the network) and permissionless (anyone can post data to the network), and its security is entrusted to Tezos’ ~400 bakers.

In this article, we will see how it becomes possible to build a “file archive:” users will be able to post files to the DAL, and a Smart Rollup will fetch and index these files. Anyone starting a Smart Rollup node for our archive rollup will get a copy of the archive. We will be testing our Smart Rollup on Weeklynet, as the DAL is already available there.


This article assumes some familarity with Smart Rollups. If this is not the case for you, there are plenty of resources available on the Smart Rollups developer portal.

Why the DAL?

The DAL has earned the nickname “Rollup Booster,” from its ability to address the last bottleneck Smart Rollups developers could not overcome without sacrificing decentralization: block space. See, Smart Rollups offload computation from Layer 1, but the transactions they process still need to originate from somewhere.

By default, that “somewhere” is the Layer 1’s blocks, yet the size of a Tezos’ block is limited to around 500KBytes. In this model, while Smart Rollups do not compete for Layer 1 gas anymore, they still compete for block space and this does not scale very well, does it?

Additionally, a Smart Rollup can fetch data from an additional source called the “reveal channel,” which allows to retreive arbitrary data from its Blake2B hash. The reveal channel is a pretty powerful primitive, as it allows Smart Rollups operator to post hashes instead of full blown data onto the Layer 1. But it is a double-edge sword, because nothing enforces the availability of the data in the first place. Solutions exist to address this challenge, but they are purely off-chain ones, coming with no guarantee from Layer 1.

Enters the DAL. Without entering too much into the details, the DAL is here for third-parties to publish data, and the bakers attest they did. Once attested, said data can be retreived by the Smart Rollup, without the need for additional trusted third-parties.

The Big Picture

Before diving into the code, we will first take a moment to understand how our file archive will work. It can be broken down into 6 steps:

  1. Users can post their file directly to the DAL, through a DAL node (they can use one set-up by third-parties, or start their own). They get some kind of certificate back (comprising a “commitment” and a “proof”).
  2. They post this certificate to Layer 1 with an Octez client. The operation is way cheaper than effectively posting the file directly.
  3. Following the creation of a block containing the certificate, a subset of Tezos’ bakers tries to download the file from the DAL, and if they succeed they attest it with a dedicated operation. They have a certain number of blocks to do so, and if they don’t by the end of this period, the certificate is considered bogus and the related data is dropped.
  4. In parallel, new Tezos blocks are produced. Each time, our file archive Smart Rollup get some execution time (as all Smart Rollups do). Everytime this happens, our file archive Smart Rollup will try to fetch the latest attested data published on the DAL.
  5. When that happens, the rollup node connects to a DAL node, to request the file. The DAL node being connected to the DAL network has already downloaded the file when it was published.
  6. Once it has got access to the file, the Smart Rollup stores it in its durable storage addressed by its hash. Since the rollup node exposes a RPC to read the contents of its durable storage, it means users who know the hash of a file will be able to download it.

The overall workflow is summarized in the following figure.

The Big Picture of our file archive

This can feel a bit overwhelming, and to some extend it is. But what is interesting here is that the difficult part (that is, steps 3 and 5) are performed automatically by the various daemons provided in Octez.

Implementing the Kernel

Thanks to the Rust SDK, implementing a Smart Rollup kernel is fairly accessible.

We start with the following Cargo.toml file.

name = "files_archive"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"]

tezos-smart-rollup = { version = "0.2.2", features = [ "proto-alpha" ] }

As a reminder, the kernel of a Smart Rollup is a WASM program. You need to install the wasm32-unknown-unknwon target with rustup. The proto-alpha feature is necessary to get access to the functions specific to the DAL.

Since the file archive kernel is simple enough, we will put all its code in the file src/

Task 1. Fetching the DAL Parameters

Up until this point, we kept the discussion at a fairly high level of abstraction. It is now time to be a bit more precise about how the DAL works.

For every Tezos block, the DAL allocates several byte-vectors called slots. The size of a slot and the number of slots available for each Layer 1 block are parameters of the network. It is possible for a kernel to get access to these parameters using the reveal_dal_parameters function implemented in the tezos-smart-rollup-host.

This function will return a value of the following type.

pub struct RollupDalParameters {
pub number_of_slots: u64,
pub attestation_lag: u64,
pub slot_size: u64,
pub page_size: u64,

In addition of number_of_slots and slot_size, the two remaining fields also deserve our attention.

  • From the perspective of the Smart Rollup, a slot is divided into pages, and a kernel can only fetch one page at a time. This is because, depending on the size of a slot, it might not be possible to fit it in a Tezos operation. Since every execution step of a Smart Rollup needs to be provable to the Layer 1 in order for the refutation game to work, breaking down a slot into smaller pieces (pages, in this case) is necessary.
  • To attest that a slot has been published, bakers have some time which is expressed as a number of blocks. This number is attestation_lag.

Let’s revisit the Big Picture with this additional knowledge, in order to refine it. Step 1 does not change: users keep posting data to DAL nodes, and get back “certificates” they can forward to Layer 1. However, when they do (that is, step 2), they have to specify which slot they want to “fill” with their data, using its index (from 00 to number_of_slots1\mathrm{number\_of\_slots} - 1). Since the DAL is a permissionless network, any user can try to fill any slot. If two users compete to use the same slot in the same Tezos block, the first operation of the block wins the slot (leaving the baker creating the block the ultimate judge in the matter).

So, to summarize:

  • A slot for and index II is published at a Tezos level LL.
  • Bakers responsible for attesting the slot II have attestation_lag\mathrm{attestation\_lag} blocks to do so.
  • After attestation_lag\mathrm{attestation\_lag} block, either the slot is indexed (if enough bakers have published the expected operation) or it is dropped and will never be accessible to Smart Rollups.
  • Every attested slots can be retreived by a kernel.

As of January, 2024, Weeklynet’s DAL has 32 slots of 65KBytes usable per Tezos block. You do not have to take my word for it, though. We can deploy a kernel on Weeklynet to make sure of it.

Add this contents to src/

use tezos_smart_rollup::{kernel_entry, prelude::*};

pub fn entry<R: Runtime>(host: &mut R) {
let param = host.reveal_dal_parameters();
debug_msg!(host, "{:?}\n", param);


We can build it using Cargo.

cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/files_archive.wasm .
The Smart Rollup does not support the DAL

As of today, the Smart Rollup Installer does not support DAL as a Data-Availability solution. This means we will need to rely on the reveal channel to initialize our Smart Rollup correctly (which is not ideal for a decentralized file archive).

We will use _rollup_node/ as the data directory for our rollup node.

cargo install tezos-smart-rollup-installer
export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}"
smart-rollup-installer get-reveal-installer \
-P _rollup_node/wasm_2_0_0 \
-u files_archive.wasm \
-o installer.hex

To deploy it, we need an implicit account of Weeklynet with enough tez. Fortunately, you can use a faucet for getting tez for free on Weeklynet (but keep in mind that the network is reset every Wednesday, so if you try to test this tutorial after a reset you will need to request new tez).

Before interacting with Weeklynet

When interacting with Weeklynet, be sure to use the proper version of Octez, as explained here. This article assumes your PATH has been updated accordingly.

Similarly, we assume the ENDPOINT environment variable has been set to the public endpoint provided by the Teztnets infrastructure.

Assuming alice is a valid alias for a provisioned implicit account, originating our rollup is as simple as:

octez-client --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
originate smart rollup files_archive from alice \
of kind wasm_2_0_0 of type unit with kernel "$(cat installer.hex)" \
--burn-cap 2.0 --force

And starting a rollup node in observer mode for this rollup can be done with the following command.

octez-smart-rollup-node --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
run observer for files_archive with operators \
--data-dir ./_rollup_node --log-kernel-debug

To check that everything works as expected, we can have a look at the logs generated by the kernel every block.

tail -F _rollup_node/kernel.log
RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }

We will deploy several (if not many) Smart Rollups in the course of this article. As such, I suggest you save the following script at the root of your working directory. It will come handy.



set -e

cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

rm -rf _rollup_node

cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/files_archive.wasm .

smart-rollup-installer get-reveal-installer -P _rollup_node/wasm_2_0_0 \
-u files_archive.wasm -o installer.hex

octez-client --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
originate smart rollup files_archive from "${alias}" of kind wasm_2_0_0 \
of type unit with kernel "$(cat installer.hex)" --burn-cap 2.0 --force

octez-smart-rollup-node --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
run observer for files_archive with operators --data-dir _rollup_node \
--dal-node http://localhost:10732 --log-kernel-debug

Task 2. Fetching Slots from the DAL

DAL is enabled on Weeklynet (otherwise, the reveal_dal_parameters function would not have worked). Some slots (typically the ones at index 0, 30, and 31) are used for running regression tests, as witnessed by Explorus’ dedicated page to see the state (absent, published, attested).

Doesn’t that make you curious?

We can modify our kernel to try to fetch the slot at index 0 for every Tezos block. This requires to setup a DAL node of our own, but fortunately, it is relatively straightforward. But we do need to understand what we are doing for it to work.

In essence, the DAL relies on sharding to scale. Not every participant of the network needs to download every data published there. On the contrary, participants subscribe to certain slots indexes, and they will never have to fetch data coming from slots they are not subscribed to. The same goes for bakers by the way: they are assigned a subset of slots (whose size depends on their stake) by the protocol.

Anyway, it means that when we start a DAL node, we decide to which slots index they are subscribed to with the --producer-profiles command line argument. In our case, we will first subscribe to the slot index 0.

octez-dal-node run --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
--producer-profiles=0 --data-dir _dal_node

With a running DAL node, we can come back to our kernel.

What we want to do here is to try to fetch the first page of the slot 0 for every new Tezos block. The change in src/ is reasonable.

-use tezos_smart_rollup::{kernel_entry, prelude::*};
+use tezos_smart_rollup::{host::RuntimeError, kernel_entry, prelude::*};
+use tezos_smart_rollup_host::dal_parameters::RollupDalParameters;
+pub fn run<R: Runtime>(
+ host: &mut R,
+ param: &RollupDalParameters,
+ index: u8,
+) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
+ let sol = host.read_input()?.unwrap();
+ let target_level = sol.level as usize - param.attestation_lag as usize;
+ let mut buffer = vec![0u8; param.page_size as usize];
+ let bytes_read = host.reveal_dal_page(target_level as i32, index, 0, &mut buffer)?;
+ if 0 < bytes_read {
+ debug_msg!(
+ host,
+ "Attested slot at index {} for level {}: {:?}\n",
+ index,
+ target_level,
+ &buffer.as_slice()[0..10]
+ );
+ } else {
+ debug_msg!(
+ host,
+ "No attested slot at index {} for level {}\n",
+ index,
+ target_level
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(())

pub fn entry<R: Runtime>(host: &mut R) {
let param = host.reveal_dal_parameters();
debug_msg!(host, "{:?}\n", param);
+ match run(host, &param, 0) {
+ Ok(()) => debug_msg!(host, "See you in the next level\n"),
+ Err(_) => debug_msg!(host, "Something went wrong for some reasons"),
+ }


The key change is the addition of the function run. We define this function in order to be able to use the ? operator of Rust by using function returning the Result type and returning a Result ourselves.

The run function proceeds as follows.

  1. First, we use the DAL parameters to know the first level where a slot might be available (that is, attestation_lag\mathrm{attestation\_lag} blocks in the past). To know the current Tezos level, we read the first message of the shared inbox (which always exists).
  2. We allocate a Vec<u8> buffer of page_size\mathrm{page\_size} bytes.
  3. We try to fill this buffer with the read_dal_page function provided by the SDK.
  4. We check the value returned by the function, which is the number of bytes read. 00 would mean the slot is not attested. Otherwise, it is necessarily page_size\mathrm{page\_size} in our case (since it is the size of the buffer).

Passing the DAL parameters as an argument for our function requires to import the type, which is not correctly exported by the tezos-smart-rollup crate as of version 0.2.0. This means we need to modify Cargo.toml to have direct access to tezos-smart-rollup-host.

tezos-smart-rollup = { version = "0.2.2", features = [ "proto-alpha" ] }
+tezos-smart-rollup-host = { version = "0.2.2", features = [ "proto-alpha" ] }

Repeating the commands to originate and run our Smart Rollup, we get the following result after a while.

RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
No attested slot at index 0 for level 56875
See you in the next level
RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
Attested slot at index 0 for level 56876: [16, 0, 0, 2, 89, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0]
See you in the next level
RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
No attested slot at index 0 for level 56877
See you in the next level

But at first, you are likely to be confused by the logs of the kernel. For the first 4 Tezos blocks produced after the origination of the Smart Rollup, the kernel will report that no slot has been attested for the targeted level, even if Explorus states the opposite. This is because, as of January, 2024, a Smart Rollup cannot fetch the content of a slot published before it is originated. This is why you have to wait for 4 blocks before seeing slot page contents being logged.

Task 3. Publishing on the DAL

Fetching slots produced by the Tezos core developers in order to verify that the DAL works as expected on Weeklynet is one thing, but we will not stop there. The next task for us is to publish data of our own, and to verify our kernel is indeed able to fetch it.

We will use the slot index 10 for this experiment.

Planning ahead

Before trying to run the code yourself, have a look at Explorus and choose a slot that is not currently being used.

Kill your DAL node, and restart it with a new --producer-profiles argument.

octez-dal-node run --endpoint \
--producer-profiles=10 --data-dir _dal_node

Then, modify your kernel to read the contents of the 10th slot.

-    let bytes_read = host.reveal_dal_page(target_level as i32, 0, 0, &mut buffer)?;
+ let bytes_read = host.reveal_dal_page(target_level as i32, 10, 0, &mut buffer)?;

Recompile the kernel, and deploy it to Weeklynet. This time, it should not be able to fetch the content of any slot, because no one is producing them.

Hello, World!

The DAL node exposes a RPC just for that: POST /slots, whose body is the contents of the slot. Assuming you did not change the RPC server address, then publishing a “Hello, world” to the DAL is as simple as:

curl localhost:10732/slot --data '"Hello, world!"' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

This will return the certificate we mention at the beginning of this article.

"commitment": "sh1u3tr3YKPDYUp2wWKCfmV5KZb82FREhv8GtDeR3EJccsBerWGwJYKufsDNH8rk4XqGrXdooZ",
Use the correct encoding

As hinted by the Content-Type header passed to curl, it is important that argument given with --data is a valid JSON string.

To post this certificate, takes the commitment and commitment_proof value and execute the following octez-client command:

octez-client --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
publish dal commitment "${commitment}" from alice for slot 10 \
with proof "${proof}"

After four blocks, you should see something like that appear in your kernel logs.

RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
Attested slot at index 10 for level 57293: [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114]
See you in the next level

Checking that these bytes are indeed the first ten characters of the string Hello, World! is left for the readers.

Arbitrary Files

The DAL node is not limited to receiving JSON for publishing slots. It is also possible to send raw bytes with the application/octet-stream Content-Type. In this case, the data needs to be prefixed by its size. It is a bit annoying, because this information is already contained in the HTML request sent to the node, but for now this is the world we are living in.



echo "storing temporary file at ${target}"
file_size="$(cat "${path}" | wc -c)"
slot_size_bin="$(printf "%08x" "${file_size}")"
slot_contents="$(cat ${path} | xxd -p)"

echo -n "${slot_size_bin}${slot_contents}" | xxd -p -r > "${target}"

certificate="$(curl localhost:10732/slot --data-binary "@${target}" -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream')"

echo "${certificate}"

commitment="$(echo -n ${certificate} | jq '.commitment' -r)"
proof="$(echo -n ${certificate} | jq '.commitment_proof' -r)"

octez-client --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
publish dal commitment "${commitment}" from "${alias}" \
for slot "${index}" with proof "${proof}"

rm "${target}"

The script expects three arguments: the file to post, the implicit account to use to post on the Layer 1 and the slot index to use. This scripts, as the rest of this article, assumes PATH and ENDPOINT are correctly set. Again, by inspecting the logs of your kernel, you should be able to check that the file you wanted to publish is indeed the one fetched by the Smart Rollup.

Task 4. Fetching and Storing the Full Slot

There is only one thing left in order to complete our file archive. We can do that by modifying the run function as follows.

pub fn run<R: Runtime>(
host: &mut R,
param: &RollupDalParameters,
index: u8,
) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
// Reading one message from the shared inbox is always safe,
// because the shared inbox contains at least 3 messages per
// Tezos block.
let sol = host.read_input()?.unwrap();

let target_level = sol.level as usize - param.attestation_lag as usize;

let mut buffer = vec![0u8; param.slot_size as usize];

let bytes_read = host.reveal_dal_page(target_level as i32, index, 0, &mut buffer)?;

if bytes_read == 0 {
"No attested slot at index {} for level {}\n",

return Ok(());

"Attested slot at index {} for level {}\n",

let num_pages = param.slot_size / param.page_size;

for page_index in 1..num_pages {
let _result = host.reveal_dal_page(
target_level as i32,
&mut buffer[page_index as usize * (param.page_size as usize)
..(page_index as usize + 1) * (param.page_size as usize)],

let hash = blake2b::digest(&buffer, 32).unwrap();
let key = hex::encode(hash);
let path = OwnedPath::try_from(format!("/{}", key)).unwrap();

debug_msg!(host, "Saving slot under `{}'\n", path);

let () = host.store_write_all(&path, &buffer)?;


There is a bit to unpack here.

  1. First, we allocate a buffer of the size of a slot, not a size of the page.
  2. Second, we try to fetch the contents of the first page. If 0 bytes are written by reveal_dal_page, then we know the targeted slot has not been attested for this block, and we have nothing left to do.
  3. Otherwise, we read as many page as necessary to get the full slot.
  4. Once it’s done, we store said slot in the durable storage, using the Blake2B hash (encoded in hexadecimal) as its key.

We use two additional dependencies for this: tezos_crypto_rs for hashing, and hex for encoding.

+use tezos_crypto_rs::blake2b;
+use tezos_smart_rollup::storage::path::OwnedPath;
use tezos_smart_rollup::{host::RuntimeError, kernel_entry, prelude::*};
use tezos_smart_rollup_host::dal_parameters::RollupDalParameters;
tezos-smart-rollup = { version = "0.2.2", features = [ "proto-alpha" ] }
tezos-smart-rollup-host = { version = "0.2.2", features = [ "proto-alpha" ] }
+tezos_crypto_rs = { version = "0.5.2", default-features = false }
+hex = "0.4.3"

Adding default-features = false for tezos_crypto_rs is necessary for the crate to be compatible with Smart Rollups.

Deploy your Smart Rollup again, publish a file, wait for enough levels, and you should see a line of log giving you the hash used to register the slot.

Assuming you have set the hash variable accordingly, then you can check the file indeed exists (and later use hexdump -C to inspect its contents.

curl "http://localhost:8932/global/block/head/durable/wasm_2_0_0/value?key=/${hash}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream'
-o slot.bin
Why diff won’t work

You cannot use diff to ensure the file you originally published and the one you downloaded from the rollup node are equal. Indeed, they are not: since the size of a slot is fixed, the DAL node pads the value it receives from POST /slot. in order to ensure it has the correct size.


Our file archive is now completed. At least, the features we wanted to implement are there: a Smart Rollup storing in its durable storage the slots attested at a given index.

From there, the sky’s the limit. More features could be implemented, like having the files publishers pay for the storage they are using in Layer 2 (by allowing them to deposit tez to the Smart Rollup, and sign the files they publish). We could also build a frontend to visualize the files published in our archive. Or, we could deal with the fact that for now, it is not possible for a consumer of the file to know it’s original size (we could fix that by modifying the script we use to publish a file to prefix it with its size).